What is what in IT
is a type of fraud in which a criminal disguises a phone number, text message, email address, display name, or web address to make the user believe they are communicating with a known, trusted source
More information, which may be usefull to you, may be found after login at it-portal.sk
is a summary of measures in the relevant area to reduce the probability of the occurrence of dangerous situations
is a risk directly affecting the provision of a service, a main process, a system or an organization. There is a risk of financial loss, damage to property, threat to hea... viac...
Source: it.portal
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SMS messages or e-mails that promise price discounts, profit, or any other financial benefits are of course tempting. However, you must not run into them.
Source: KCCKB
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The Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies show link
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu o priemyselnej bezpečnosti a o bezpečnostnom projekte podnikateľa show link
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 — Amendment 1
Source: ISO
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for telecommunications organizations
Source: ISO
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To ale neznamená, že sú jediné
Source: Uptime Institute
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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