What is what in IT
is, among other things, a malicious computer program that records everything you type on your keyboard, including words, characters and symbols, and sends all recorded details to hackers
More information, which may be usefull to you, may be found after login at it-portal.sk
▪ Postal and courier services ▪ Waste management ▪ Manufacturing, production and distribution of chemical agents ▪ Food production, processing and distributio... viac...
is a service to provide server performance and disk space for customer applications.
Source: it-portal.sk
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small or medium-sized companies are not targets for hacker attacks
Source: it-portal.sk
Reduce the amount of information you provide about yourself in Internet service settings. Carefully consider what personal information you include on your profile. Choose... viac...
Source: KCCKB
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The Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies show link
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Vyhláška Ministerstva vnútra Slovenskej republiky, ktorou sa mení a dopĺňa vyhláška Ministerstva vnútra Slovenskej republiky č. 94/2004 Z. z., ktorou sa ustanovujú techni... viac...
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu o priemyselnej bezpečnosti a o bezpečnostnom projekte podnikateľa show link
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 — Amendment 1
Source: ISO
Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services
Source: ISO
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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