Security is also regular testing of infrastructure and data recovery
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is a risk directly affecting the provision of a service, a main process, a system or an organization. There is a risk of financial loss, damage to property, threat to hea... viac...
Source: it.portal
is a form of malware that uses social engineering to induce fear or a perception of threat in order to manipulate a user into downloading or purchasing malicious software... viac...
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Japonská agentúra pre vesmírny prieskum (JAXA) tento týždeň informovala, že toto leto zaznamenala kybernetický incident, ktorý pramenil z narušenia Microsoft Active Direc... viac...
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Before installing, carefully consider whether you really need the application in question, or whether you were just driven by curiosity or convinced by advertising. Remov... viac...
Source: KCCKB
Reduce the amount of information you provide about yourself in Internet service settings. Carefully consider what personal information you include on your profile. Choose... viac...
Source: KCCKB
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A specialized center designed primarily to increase the cyber security of the GOVNET network. show link
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Vyhláška Národného bezpečnostného úradu, ktorou sa ustanovujú znalostné štandardy v oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti show link
Zákon o elektronických komunikáciách show link
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Information technology — Security techniques — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems
Source: ISO
Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems — Part 2: Privacy information management systems
Source: ISO
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To ale neznamená, že sú jediné
Source: Google Maps
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Explore innovation, meet industry giants and unlock opportunities – at the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event.
Reasons to be at MWC Barcel... viac...
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