nový "Jeruzalem"

We greets, thanks and please...

thank you our Creator...

v1.09 19.03.2024 19:35
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Thank you, our Creator,
I want to be an eternal friend with you,
you gave us the life,
then you hide somewhere.

I love you, dear God,
I do not want to be on knives with you.
My will may help,
your will may happen.

Thank you, Holy Spirit,
that my spirit will no longer be wiped out.
Although the devil always tempts,
hopefully my soul will remain pure.

Greetings to you, Mr. Universe,
may there be peace everywhere on Earth.
We ask for drinking water, we ask for fertile soil,
let us breathe only clean air, the Holy Spirit helps us.

We had enough food,
and the water never lacked,
we wish to work peacefully during the day,
and sleep peacefully at night.
Let the sun give strength to the creation
and the rain at night sprinkles flora.

Hello also you grandma + grandpa,
thank you for everything.
I know that you would give everything,
let us not lack the the reason, the heart.

I greet you dear Mother,
even in heaven do not close the door before me.
Thank you dear Father,
for the amount of your work.

I greet you, sisters, brothers,
we will be here together until the vintage.
Let us be friends, let us be sociable,
so we will become stiff.

Dear Woman, my love,
before God you have become mine,
I promised you eternal love,
I have already found my beauty.

You, my beautiful children,
I compose these poems for you,
I love you all very much,
I want to be a friend forever.

Friends, we are close,
whether you are big or low.
You are here for me, i am here for you,
I would not scratch a hair on your head.

Those who i do not know, which are from the nation,
I wish you a lot of peace from my heart.
Because tooth for tooth and old habits,
hopefully will exchange once beautiful love touches.

Please God,
let the evil-spirits forget about it.
If they need help, they can always contact us.
We will try to help them,
to breathe black smoke from their lungs.

- - -

Why is one looking for paradise?
and building some airy castles?
Let him prefer sweet tea,
and he will find the beauty of pure love.

And how much love would it take
to know forever gold in beauty?
In the beauty that surrounds us,
a hill of beauty offers its meaning.

Whoever wants paradise will also find on Earth
who is trying to live as a Human,
the dwelling place is already in Heaven,
and thus begins his golden age.
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