nový "Jeruzalem"


road long, bumpy...

v1.05 11.03.2024 02:08
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The road is long, bumpy,
waiting for me and my brother,
I hope I'll make it, I secretly hope,
I won't succumb to the heavy bonds.

Outside the sun is shining beautifully,
The sky is like a stream in a net,
beautiful, clear, cloudless,
It's like a big puddle.

Peace in the soul, spirit in the body,
I breathe clean air through my nose,
my lungs are cleaned by the breeze,
My eyes are closed by sleep.

My whole person is happy,
It feels very good,
Love dwells in me again,
though it's hiding there.

My feelings behind bars,
They can't go out with us,
They're like in a prison,
I miss a woman's touch.

A beautiful woman, a dream woman,
My eyes are on her again,
My love for this woman,
will chase away the clouds from my soul.

Although a tear on the edge of my eye,
is running down my cheek,
I won't give up, I'll say it again,
I will right the wrongs of the world.

I don't want to be alone without her,
I'll leave my sorrow in the walls,
I'll go straight to her,
I've got a prick at my heart.

I'll not be troubled idly,
I'll fly like an eagle bird,
I'll give love away,
and rarely swear.

I'll walk with a firm step,
Till year meets year again,
I'll sleep no more, I'll wake no more,
i'll try to see the right way.
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