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The little princess

the little princess writes from distance...

v1.04 29.02.2024 21:37
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The litlle princess writes from a distance,
a message has also come to us from her,
in this message she tells us,
that she does not like to sleep on peas.

She is thrown into prison,
forgotten by the whole world,
her roses bloom in front of the castle,
they guard the impregnable fortress.

All day long she only thinks,
about how at home she is,
everyone known, close to her heart,
and whether they remember her.

The litlle princess is looking for the princ,
Who would write her poems,
And with kisses on the cheeks,
to kindle her hidden passions.

He would deliver her in fact,
and deliver her soul from sorrow,
He would carry her in his arms,
He would tenderly beg for her little hand.

The strigoi cursed her,
She waited not for the prince's help,
who would have set her free,
to give her a new hope.

I'm already looking for you, don't worry,
there's gonna be a big fight,
you ask why?
I'll strike her down with a sharp sword.

The curse will disappear, the magic will vanish,
I'll lay gifts at your feet,
my body, my heart, my soul,
Amen thou shalt say to the restlessness.

You'll thank me with a kiss,
You'll return my feelings,
We hold each other, hand in hand,
You'll never give in to torture again.

Like every fairy tale,
that puts your eyes to sleep,
This one's tail is wagging,
Let us be happy till we die.
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