nový "Jeruzalem"


i'm tired, i have no strength...

v1.07 19.03.2024 19:45
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I'm tired, I have no strength,
I'd sleep and drink tea,
The sun is shining beautifully outside,
greeting its children.

Children of the sun, fruits of the earth,
men and all the women too,
they are all children of God,
my left foot tells me.

I wish they would stop for a time,
to rest for a while,
and look up to heaven,
and speak their tenderness to him.

Its beauty, peace of mind,
they put on display for admiration,
they don't do it, why I have no idea,
wonder therefore, man wonder.

A beautiful dream I am dreaming now,
Of bars, however, I still perceive here,
I can't make it come true,
I hope someone won't destroy it.

The energy is radiating from me,
Both my ears are burning,
My face is red hot,
A woman has appeared in my life.

She is a very competent woman,
My face is hot,
and my palm would like to caress her,
before she goes back to eating.

Let her just burp, she grows to the world,
We'll make an enlightenment here,
about what is wisdom, love,
hopefully you'll drop that mask.

The mask that hides everything,
For all this, the world is so lame,
For everyone is hiding what they have,
I'm missing the naked truth.

Show the world forever,
what's hidden somewhere inside you,
and all presses will be ended,
Then I'll make an omelette.
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