nový "Jeruzalem"

Puzzle (en)

i wander back and forth in the night...

v1.05 14.05.2024 03:04
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I wander back and forth in the night,
I don't know myself,
looking for pieces of the mosaic,
piecing them together, sewing them into flags.

A piece of familiarity forms a puzzle,
though I wish no one ill,
I'm here in spite of this sentence,
I'm locked up like in the ghetto.

I wish I'd divulged it,
I'd betray the whole branch,
that's why I have to keep everything secret,
to defend this side of the coin.

What was essential is,
though everything is yours,
you can create the future,
even if you're going to torture yourself with it.

How it will be no one knows,
maybe someone will eat the apple,
will then suspect, understand,
he'll snore hard at night.

Just like me, just like you,
and if the clouds come,
and if the sun burns
you'll always be misty.

In today's information age,
fast-paced but quite miraculous,
a piece of Lego will stick,
build a house of cards.

A house that stands firm,
Before the breeze it will stand
It won't give in to the elements
With a sensitive approach.

I wish all my children,
to follow their light,
firmly, firmly, with dignity,
don't just stand there out of boredom.

I wish everyone a lot of love,
let there be no wrinkles,
And smile forever on your face,
Even though it may be dangerous.
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