nový "Jeruzalem"

My mind

in the morning, when I drift away from sleep...

v1.04 29.02.2024 21:39
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In the morning, when I drift away from sleep,
I brush my teeth, I brush my hair,
You occupy my mind,
like a fidgety little gopher.

I've been waiting all day just for this,
for you to write me two or three words,
I pretend I'm working hard,
You don't write and my mind groans.

Sunshine when it's already parting,
my head's just buzzing,
I feel like a sick patient,
It's like a nightmare.

In the evening, when I torture the bed again,
I will not teach my head,
to stop thinking of you,
and give myself to dreams for a while.

I'm tossing about like such a fish,
that has landed on land,
when I miss Your little person,
so beautiful and so dear.

I'm squirming like such a hamster,
I'm not the master of my eyelids,
Though the darkness is sacklike,
Thy image wavers before me.

I see your cheeks clearly,
my eyes like colored glasses,
shining into the thick darkness,
In a room otherwise quite deserted.

I would like to hold you in my arms,
before the rain starts again,
I'd like to meet you,
to comfort you with my tenderness.

I don't want to breathe without you,
whether you laugh or sneeze
I'll ask you directly,
what pajama size do you want?

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year,
I just want to be by your side,
Let my mind rest,
and let my life find meaning.
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