nový "Jeruzalem"


i once met a girl...

v1.04 28.02.2024 15:16
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I once met a girl,
whose name was Nástenka,
well, I'm telling you the news,
so this poem was created.

Immediately in the morning of that day, I promised her,
that I would write her verses out of love,
so into the night of the deep one,
here I am writing, refining, without exaggeration.

I would like to get to know her more,
because she revived the love in me,
I feel like flying for to moon,
from the moment she addressed me.

About my sincere love,
here I can write day and night,
I always want to be with her,
when necessary, I will come to help.

My life is suddenly more beautiful,
and I have no more regrets,
and the world rejoices with me,
that I have become a happy man.

As happy as I can be,
I am captivated by the beauty,
that plays in your heart,
and I feel like in paradise. Again.

You created paradise on earth,
I'm crazy about it,
and my life once again has a meaning,
because you occupied my mind.

I hope, I beg all the saints,
to fulfill my desire,
which I carry in my heart now,
we would become YOU + ME forever.

Because my love for you,
will always be like the sky,
so big, blue,pure,
like a beautiful butterfly on a meadow.

Already the lights are going out, it is getting dark,
and the dreamer wakes up from a dream,
let me dream about you,
my beautiful love.
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