nový "Jeruzalem"


i'm in the lion's den again...

v1.04 02.03.2024 19:57
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I'm in the lion's den again,
and at night I dream only of her,
The beauty of it has enchanted me,
It's etched in my memory.

The emptiness fills me,
The moon peeps from afar,
wondering and feverish,
The loneliness is here again.

Terrifying and fierce,
It's like the season of Lent,
when you must deny yourself,
Your stomach will be in knots.

Life is empty without You,
soulless and quite dull,
it has no meaning at all,
I wish I'd hang on sooner.

Why aren't you with me now,
I confide in You with a humble longing,
Please come and be my everything,
Forget what has gone before.

Outwardly I may laugh,
I pretend I can handle it all,
But inside I'm smoldering,
Somebody's gonna put me out, I guess.

A fire that burns forever,
only that which carries even the mountains,
and gives meaning to our existence,
When it comes, it stays forever.

Please become a fireman,
who will save me from the fire,
that burns, chokes, kills me,
Let the pit in the earth still wait.

I've burned almost all of me,
My heart will not mend,
and the sorrow eats me up,
and I'm left only with faith.

Please drop your mask,
I offer you love,
in its purest form,
do this please for me.
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