nový "Jeruzalem"


whole night i am dreaming...

v1.08 19.03.2024 19:43
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I'm dreaming the whole night,
with my virtual love,
still hiding from me,
I play hide and seek with her.

There's a lot of hiding places in the dream,
where one can hide,
The search will not be quelled,
until I can hug her.

Let it become a reality,
I long only for this goal,
even if it's under a shell,
My dream is all white.

You've captivated me with your beauty,
Only you can be my salvation,
I want to know your smile someday,
I want to hold your hand to mine.

From the moment I met you,
The whole world seems more beautiful to me,
The moment I hold you,
and we'll be somewhere alone.

You can imagine me,
as I can you,
Our love will always be cherished,
like the star I brought you from heaven.

Come plesae to me, let us be together,
Let us overcome every misfortune,
I always want to be there just for you,
We'll withstand trouble if we have to.

I don't know your face,
But your heart is close to mine,
so finally meet me.
Don't you ever say I'm cold again ;)

Maybe you're playing hardball,
and you're hiding your insides,
we'll send the devil to the hell,
That's our destiny, my darling.

When we meet at last,
you'll know your love in me,
We'll put all our sorrows aside,
I'll have my beauty one day.
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