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Polovica svetovej populacie je este stale offline
príspevkov 11 |
zobrazení 8 326 |
unikátne 1 576 |
Téma je len na čítanie...
Last month scientists at Tufts University announced that they had created a sensor that can be mounted on a tooth to track diet quality and make tailored nutritional recommendations. Around the same time, Microsoft announced that it had developed software that could translate Chinese to English as fast and as accurately as a human. To top it off, just last week the world learned that there is now a robot that can autonomously assemble furniture. Such stories make it clear: to read the science and technology news today is to see a world of rapid progress and infinite potential. And from one perspective it is. But we believe that now is a good time to remind everyone of a fundamental limitation of the ability of technology to make the world a better place. All of these advances in one way or another rely on the internet - a tool which remains foreign to over half of the world’s population. The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development says that the world will not even achieve 50% internet use until the end of this year. If the world maintains current internet user growth rates – a big if – we won’t approach 100% global internet adoption for well over two decades. ( mapka - cervene oblasti zobrazuju najhustejsie pripojenie k internetu) odkaz
1. lovelydreamer 31.05.2018, 14:35
Last month scientists at Tufts University announced that they had created a sensor that can be mounted on a tooth to track diet quality and make tailored nutritional recommendations.
Around the same time, Microsoft announced that it had developed software that could translate Chinese to English as fast and as accurately as a human. To top it off, just last week the world learned that there is now a robot that can autonomously assemble furniture.
Such stories make it clear: to read ...
31.05.2018, 14:36
2. lovelydreamer 31.05.2018, 14:36
31.05.2018, 18:07
polovica populacie hraje tyranosaura
3. lovelydreamer 31.05.2018, 18:07
polovica populacie hraje tyranosaura
31.05.2018, 20:15
4. EnaXnaY 31.05.2018, 20:15
To sa utrasie 😉
31.05.2018, 22:20
Aj ty take vymyslas ?
5. Scarlette 31.05.2018, 22:20
Aj ty take vymyslas ?
01.06.2018, 07:19
Čo akože vymýšľam? 😉
Nem-chápem 😉
6. EnaXnaY 01.06.2018, 07:19
Čo akože vymýšľam? 😉
Nem-chápem 😉
01.06.2018, 12:23
8. Scarlette 01.06.2018, 12:23
02.06.2018, 08:58
Ja skorej píšem 😉
Takéto srandičky si môže dovoliť google 😉
1. lovelydreamer 31.05.2018, 14:35
Last month scientists at Tufts University announced that they had created a sensor that can be mounted on a tooth to track diet quality and make tailored nutritional recommendations.
Around the same time, Microsoft announced that it had developed software that could translate Chinese to English as fast and as accurately as a human. To top it off, just last week the world learned that there is now a robot that can autonomously assemble furniture.
Such stories make it clear: to read ...
01.06.2018, 09:15
Podobne je na tom mapa výskytu rádioamatérov: odkaz(...a tí sú na svete dlhšie, než internetmani. Už od samotného objavu rádia...)
7. Alexander 01.06.2018, 09:15
Podobne je na tom mapa výskytu rádioamatérov:
(...a tí sú na svete dlhšie, než internetmani. Už od samotného objavu rádia...)
01.06.2018, 12:24
7. Alexander 01.06.2018, 09:15
Podobne je na tom mapa výskytu rádioamatérov:
(...a tí sú na svete dlhšie, než internetmani. Už od samotného objavu rádia...)
01.06.2018, 15:01
Skvelá mapa. Vidím prvú takú mapu. Ty si znalec.
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