nový "Jeruzalem"

Second goal

creation of thoughts...

v1.17 07.03.2022 17:50
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As you know, i've started a new project called simulator of everything ;)

By this moment i have created God, Time, Space and Life ;)

And now i want to give some thoughts to those entities ;)

That's because i want to ask you to think about them and define what you know about thouse entities...

For example about God we know, that is out of space and time, because time is a child of god and space is a child of time ;)
I don't need you to participate on creation of program just to talk about God...

Talk about what you know or what you believe...

I will discuss with you and if we meet some resolution, i will try to implement this resolution...

Write please here :
Question of allknowing...
God is on top of object hierarchy, so has in self references to times, which has references to spaces, in which lifes exists...

Lifes consists of live and dead cells...

Teoretically God can access all informations in system by going throug references...

Momentally i don't count with history...

Because i need to create some process to store all informations about states, that system ran through...

That's because there is only actual state of system and informations, that are in the system are accessible by object of God...
By history of the system i mean something like BOOK OF LIFE... Some record about what was...

But God is out of time, so we cannot record some historical informations about him...

That's because his history is undescriptable...

We can say that God knows only his actual attributes...

Also about attributes of God, no one knows who is under him because he is on top of hierarchy and there are no references from lower situated object on object God...
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  • if you like this information, you are welcome to order a book of dzI/O's thoughts in a form of book...
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